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Writer's pictureMatthias Ong

Why Am I Running

Even the sparrow needs a nest to lay its head

I don't want to fight it anymore

But why am I running..

3 years now I have been running

The last year has been spectacular

3 times stuck

Yet 3 beautiful moments of humanity

Next week is a big week for me

I asked God - how did it come to this

A first for me

Of all the multiple futures in the world

Why this

Why now

Why me

Of late

Joseph keeps coming to me

And I remember the times he teared

3 times stuck

One pushed by his brothers, one in prison, the last a choice of mercy

God, you are truly scary

Truly you are a scary God if our lives become the most unrealistic and dramatic stories of the world

Why can't we lead a standard life!

Why can't we just all be the same!

Why do we have to choose.

And choose to fail again.

I know my shack.

I know my wilderness.

You promised me your palm.

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