There's a shallow in the world today.
When light cannot penetrate the darkness,
It remains a halo.
A halo that reaches out.
Perhaps light will never be enough.
A brighter bulb,
More watts, more volts
Still darkness shrouds it.
I look at the sunrise
It has pink hues and a silver glow
The clouds brighten the blue sky
But darkness will come again
Like the tide,
Which comes and goes.
It too feels shallow
In the expanse of time
Just as memories pass away
And my mum is gone
I am but a shallow
Wading in an ocean.
Perhaps one day
The storm will swallow me
I will struggle, I know
Not just for me, but for all of you
But maybe I am too deep in the shallow
To be heard
And not to be forgotten
Where i will slowly fade
I am just an ant in the swarm
Losing my way
Strong but helpless at the same time
Waiting for danger
Not worrying about myself
For if I am to be eaten
By the lion or the wolf
My meaning is also met.