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Writer's pictureMatthias Ong

No Scars In Heaven

Pierced, sliced, sometimes bruised.

Some heal and go away

Or take a little bit longer

And pains you in little moments

They can cause you tears

And at the end of the day

Scars can form

Sayang, your grandma may say

A wound left would heal

But it may also fester

Even if you try to treat it

Some people may tell you to cut it off

Even if some wounds do not hurt

Yet you have lost more than just gaining a scar

And you ask

Why and what in all of these

Healing takes time

The doctor would say

And sometimes they would hint

Of a miracle, if you believe

Sayang, your grandma would say

Even if there is a wound

No need to cry

Even if there is pain

The pain one day goes away

Even if there are scars

There are no Scars In Heaven

But while we are here on earth

When we are bruised

We get ready for aches, black and blue

If we are cut

We get ready for the itchy scab

If we are pierced

Surely there will be a scar

But perhaps we can look at

Those marks left behind

Of where we have been

And what we have done

The mistakes made

The hurt suffered

The healing from forgiveness

The people we have met

The Sayangs we were given

Life can be beautiful

Even if we are all so ugly

And even we can be beautiful

When life is ugly

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