Light sometimes can scare, such as when this rare squid species flashes its tentacles at its prey. It warns of danger in the depths of darkness.
There are the coloured traffic lights that shine green, amber and red, each a signal of its own to a driver. Yet there are those to choose to ignore it, some who feel they can beat it, and those who follow it to the letter of the law.
Then there is the sun, the source of light and the transference of light into heat and also into electricity which we have learnt to use in our lives not just to power us through the nights and the storms but also our wallets.
Light, in it's power has also become taken for granted. Our lives feel bright but in some ways are so dark. Think of the snakes that see in infrared, in some ways they are blind and their worlds are dark.
When humans learnt to create light. Light became ubiquitous and it becoming ubiquitous, it has diminished other forms of light. It's only in the wilderness without that light that we see the wondrous of his stars, the glimmer of the moon and the reflection from our own lives and the spiritual light that we cannot typically see even with our eyes wide open.
Are lives are controlled sometimes by the light from the world and not the light of the world.
How do we discern which light we are seeing. And which light you follow may bring you to the depths of the most scary creatures of the deep like flies to the flame or to the warmth of the golden rays of the city of heaven.
A very fatal flaw or a glorious splendour.
Look deep inside at the sparks of our heart and not get flushed with the spotlight.
Don't be ignorant of the light but don't be arrogant that its yours.
