Behind the scenes of the battle, Goliath was a juggernaut within the Philistine army. Surely, through the ardours of training and building himself up, he had to prove himself through many fights to be their top acclaimed fighter. Surely, genetics and a God given physique at 6 foot 9 inches helped him along the way. He was both a natural talent as well as a persevering worker. What he wore stank of the rights he had fought through to get. His bronze helmet from cutting off another’s head. A heavy coat of scale armour torn off a beaten opponent when the battle was done. And a bronze javelin, likely blood-stained from having pierced through another’s heart. And, a shield bearer to carry the load to conserve his energy before a fight.
Before facing David, Goliath stood up and challenged his opponents. This was a man brimming with confidence that he could simply overpower his opponent with little effort, and a warrior willing to lay his own life, not just his death, as a gamble on the floor. In doing so, he scared the wits out of the Israelite army, and for forty days he did so.
David, a small boy, likely no more than 20 years old, was sent by his father to innocently help his brothers and check how they were. He was likely overawed by the war that faced him. Yet, when he heard the call, he answered it. His passion for justice and the opportunity to erase the perversity off Israel’s ranks shone through the want of reward. The challenge of the champion warrior against God was too much to bear. No shortage of courage.
Despite being scolded by his elders who misinterpreted his motives, David showed similar audacity as Goliath in retorting to his brothers. Was he too young, too small, too insignificant? Similarly, like Goliath, he expressed great confidence to take the challenge to his opponent, although Saul clearly dismissed him. David has been in training too, although not blessed with the same talents, God had brought him up well for this day. Lions and bears have come in his way, but certainly they would not compare with a well-trained, clever and coordinated warrior such as Goliath. Again and again, whether to his brother or to Saul, David claimed confidence from the Lord. And, a reluctant but obedient King let God take control.
Of course, David had not earned the right to his armour and he was not built that way. He could only wear cloth, and a sling, and that was all he had. But, it was enough.
At the end of the day, most perceive that the underdog won. However, David was the greater of the two. For, wasn't it his calling versus Goliath’s career? Isn't it clear that if God calls, who can stand in God's way? A career was doomed to fail. Was cutting off his head a bit too much though? A sign of power to scare off the Philistines? Without battle experience, and one would suspect he would cut off the head of a lion or bear from his previous exploits, this was rare for a young boy to do.
I once knew a champion, A colleague. Talent pool. Blessed with an insanely high intellect and with the drive and willingness to work hard. Did so, and proved himself through many projects, and leaving meetings with victories, and claiming the scalp of others along the way. He knew he had it all. Good genes, perseverance and he let himself believe he was superior. Battles after battles he fought till he developed an unshakeable belief and confidence that he would not lose. He gambled away his scars, his life, his army and his people. He built a career that seemed to have no end. He was well-regarded. The one who would bring the army to great places, all-conquering, to great profit and to great ends. Till, he met God. Or at least, till God called.
Are we gearing ourselves up, training endlessly to build that limitless confidence and abilities to become that champion we all crave to be? Are we taking down others amongst us to reach the pinnacle? What are we working for and slowly building up? Ourselves? Our armies? Our houses?
If we are to be champions, would God not call us? And if God would call us, would he not prepare us? Shall we build our own career or follow our calling? The father knows his child best, and He knows us by name.

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