Sometimes, don't you wish people were just real and true.
No fake smiles.
No puffed up words.
No hidden agendas.
It's a hard path to take.
For the pastor who left money behind, does he sometimes seek fame?
And even if he leaves fame behind, doesn't he cling on to his family?
If his family doesn't work out, then what else does he have left except God?
The world sees the needs of the pastor for the world, and delivers it to him.
Endearing smiles. Words of praise. Associations.
And the pastor receives it with delight.
For is God ever enough for our wants, even if He is enough for our needs.
And if not a pastor, then what more for the rest of us?
For the corporate leader in ESG who is trying to shift the world to greater social good through rank and file?
For the entrepreneur who becomes a philanthropist?
For the newswriter or influencer who wants to make a difference?
Whose glory and acceptance are they seeking?
In many instances... Don't you see what is wrong with this world?
In the workplace - how many care about the mailman except when to show the compassion they have.
In church - the quiet silent prayer that no one sees and the person that helping creates too much burden on the congregation
At home - picking up a hair that clogs the drains and sewers.
Where is the heart of the gentle and lowly?
People talk to me about having a calling from God.
When that happens.... There's nothing about yourself left, except a gentle and lowly heart.
No fake smiles.
No puffed up words.
No hidden agendas.
There's no money.
No fame.
Sometimes even no family.
You leave everything behind except your faith in God.
Because you are doing it not for yourself and not for the world. So that doesn't matter. When you have that, perhaps you know God has called you.
Dont get fooled by the world.
Dont get fooled by the church.
Because those are the callings of the world.
The callings of the people for a champion of their own.
Not a champion of God.
Do what you believe in.
And if you believe in God.
Trust that he will make it right in His own eyes.
There is only one God. Don't create others.